Sunday 3 May 2015

東京 | Day 7

                                                Day 7 - Meji Shrine Temple , Shibuya 

So it was the last day of our trip to japan ... very sad :( .. i guess we will be back again next time .. 7 days is too less for me. Alright get back to day 7. So it was our free day cause we were unplanned of where to go so we decided to head to to meji shrine temple.

took the train and stopped at harajuku and we have to walk to get there.

once you see the entrance , you have reached the temple already.

it was quite crowded on that day , so we decided to just pray and went in to walk around and write our wishes.

after writing our wishes , headed to the souvenirs shop and bought a fortune cat figure for my uncle and some key chains.

as our time for that day was quite tight , everyone was going to their place to grab for last minute shopping.

so we headed back to shibuya as one of my friend wanted to buy things for her sis.

last ramen for that day :( *sobs*

and before going off to the temple , our last breakfast for that day. :(



and yeah was packing our bags and so i couldn't fit this box inside my luggage as it took up too much space , so i had to throw it away but was too cute so i took a picture before throwing lol. now then i regret i should have take back.

last moment at the hotel :(

and yeah was searching like hell for this ramen and finally found it at the family mart at harajuku but sadly i didn't bring back to singapore as it contains beef , i was so sad :( that feeling when you search like hell but in the end it gives you disappointment and yeah we didn't had dinner for that night and we headed to 7-eleven to purchase our dinner there and i just took a basket and grab everything i want without seeing the price... lol in the end it only cost less than my budget.. 

So after packing our things , we went for bed already cause we only had like 2hrs of sleep? as we needed to wake up early to take train and head to airport :(. 

Day 8 - Departure.
Woke up at 3am , and pack everything and head out to take our train. 
We missed the first train as some things crop up so we had to wait for another train and we were not allowed to sit as we didn't purchase our seats for the second train ... lol but in the end we also went to seat.

#last coke in japan :( and the bottle is so cute.
Didn't have coke throughout the 7 days in japan as it was too cold , all I drink was hot chocolate/coffee/drinks. lol who would drink sucha cold drink at this cold weather.

and the sunrise is so beautiful , btw we took the narita express to the airport. 
So reached the airport but have to queue up in order for us to check-in , so finally everything is done , we quickly went to the chiong and buy our japanese snacks. So i just took the trolley and take everything i want and  that feeling  is so shiok when you grab the things without seeing the price and faster went to the cashier and still didn't reach my budget lol , so i grab another thing and finally fit my budget lol.

Boarded the plane and last photo at japan :(

and the meal on board , sorry was to hungry that I ate before taking pictures but the main focus was the haagen daz , I HAVE BEEN WAITING FOR 100 YEARS FOR THIS OKAY.

#finally reach back to singapore. #homesweethome

the total amount of snacks bought during the trips. 

and the three key chain i have bought at the rilakkuma shop.

That's all for my Japan trip travelogue , thank you guys for reading this ! <3 although i have delayed for a long time. :P and i really miss japan and missed the moments spend together with my friends during that trip ;(. 

Day 1 | Day 2Day 3 | Day 4 | Day 5 | Day 6 |     

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