Friday 15 May 2015

Sweet 18th birthday.

Celebrated my friend's 18th birthday during 30th April. Sorry for the long waiting updates as busy with new assignment with poly life T_T... everyday got to do Reflective journal , yeah life sux. Alright let's begin. So one day before my friend's birthday , my other friend decided to book a hotel to celebrate her birthday , well initially we booked copothorone King's Hotel but everything I screw up on that day when the staff told us that the hotel needed 21 y/o and above to be able to checked-in the hotel so i was quite worried and panic at the time and couldn't know what to do. So i quickly went to hotel quickly to see any hotel and saw one hotel at quite a reasonable so without hesitant , me and my friend just booked and we kept calling the hotel to check whether is our hotel booked. and at last , thank god!! the hotel told us that is it booked and we finally reach the hotel and checked-in.. so prepare everything and 3....2....1

yeah , here she is!! haha happy sweet 18th birthday huimin!! she don't know yet haha.



so it was quite late already and so we decided to deliever some KFC to our hotel AND OUR FIRST TIME ORDERING KFC AT A HOTEL. i didn't hotel could allow delivery. :O

time for some photoooo

ended with a sweeet night really , had lot's of fun and like party alot and went for bed for 3hrs only and lucky the following day is labour day !! which means sleep for me !!!

so the next morning , our favorite routine , to visit every hotel facilities - swimming pool and gym !

letsss dance....

hello! LOL

and time for us to leave the hotel :( and hope huimin you have a really wonderful night!! oh and the hotel we stayed was Concorde hotel Singapore!

"There's a point in every true friendship, where friends stop being friends and become sisters."

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