Friday 1 May 2015

東京 | Day 6.

Sorry guys for the late post :X

Day 6- Fuji q highland and Odaiba City

So this was the day when my friend's were all anticipating for but not for me cause i dislike theme parks haha ... we had to wake up extremely early because of their admission timing and closing timing :( and also the timing of the bus was quite early. So woke up at 5 and get ready and off we head to Shinjuku there for us to take the bus. Head the bus and went to sleep cause the journey was around 3hrs? and what is so special about the bus is that IT PROVIDES A TOILET ... lol...and sleep all the way so when it was halfway on the trip to there , my friend just scream there is snow and so i immediately woke up and SAW SNOW. yes my first time seeing snow lol..

and so we finally reach !!! REAL FUCKING SNOW MAN.


#kiasu me never been to snow before.



yeah so was so excited that i made a snowman haha.




so before we went in , we have to queue to get our tickets and had to wait for the theme park to open as there was a slight delay and there wasn't much tourist or people there and idk why while mostly is high school's students at there.

so went to played this and IT WAS FUN ..

and this but was quite okay cause it was fucking cold that me and my friend couldn't even open our eyes , it is almost the same as the genting spinner , but bit higher.

so i didn't dare to play this cause i was scared X_X.... i had to stand outside to see my friends to play and take pictures of them...

That's the only food that could keep me warm through the day and cheap also 


so went to play the hamtaro , well it do brings back childhood memories .. haha ! It was just like some kiddy rides.



Ferris wheel...

and so it was closing time , yeah they close quite early , like about 5? so we went to bought some souvenirs before taking our bus back to shinjuku.

and so reached back to shinjuku , and me and my friends were split into two groups because one of my friend wanted to go to his place , so I have no idea but to go :(. So went back to Shinagawa to take the shuttle bus to his place , well the place we were visiting is Odaiba city where the big gandum statue stands.

yeah this figure.

quite nice when they put up with the lights performance.

and had my dinner for the day !!! ramen again !!! but it was quite cold and I poured the soup in the wrong way :(. haha
Was delayed for dinner as there were too much to shop and so my friend had to bear with me ... haha and also bought 2 krispy kreme back to hotel as it was cheappp and so we took the private line back to our hotel and it is fucking near out hotel but the ticket cost much expensive , about $2 for one station? and had supper again from 7-eleven to call off for the day ! 
That's all for day 6 ! 


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