Friday 24 April 2015

Tripp down to USS.

School's starts and it was pretty okay. But was stressed about the works given :( and the daily journal we had to do ... :(

So last sunday before my POLY reopen , went to USS with family this time as my mum got 3 free tickets , so intially i didn't want to go but because it's last day of holiday , so ya just went :(.

minions is so cute!!!

trying to pull out a diploma cert haha

and managed to try the new ride at USS , though queued for 1 hr but the ride was still okay okay loh.

and saw charlie char-pin !!

haha looks so cool..

AND THE BIGGG PIZZA and its quite expensive though...

and this is how big the pizza is :D

and itss betty boops haha. *she asked to hold her hands hor.. lol

great mirror for pictures haha



and so was really tired and fun though i hate riding roller coaster -.- and headed back to vivocity for dinner ! 

had paradise dynasty for dinner!! weeee

and the durian dumpling and it tasted quite okay..

pork ribsss

some fried fish..
 and so the following day was school reopen :( and its time for me to continue to study again for three years :(.... So that's all and will try to update my japan trip day 6 !


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