Sunday 12 April 2015


Hardly been updating my daily life and will be finishing my travelogue to japan soon ! and hopefully to travel to another place pls. The next country intended to visit is bangkok and maybe a osaka trip year end? How i wish though. Ohhh yeah went for dinner with my mum yesterday and went to try a thai restaurant at kovan there. So my mum ask me to choose ala-carte or mookata ( which is steamboat+bbq) , so i just choose mookata

looks quite normal , and the ice milk tea quite nice.

their omelette tasted quite nice and the price of the mookata is about $39 per set

last but not least is desserttt , my virgin try of mango sticky rice , yeah never try before. Tasted quite okay but i did'nt like it :(. Overall the food is nice and will be coming again soon ! (;: and it is located beside lola cafe only. 


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