Saturday 27 December 2014

Jingle Bells Jingle bells.

Hello! Christmas just ended huh , now everyone should be waiting for 2015 coming's. Spend my eve went out to find job... haha and went around shopping also lah , quite crowded of course. AND SALES EVERYWHERE. So sian as me and my friends were heading towards Tangs and it closed. Haiz.... Christmas day just a pretty normal day , went to malaysia with family , well everyone thought that it might be busy and crowded , but no. NO QUEUE NO JAM. oh god it was like my first time seeing so less people and the bus bay wasn't that crowded AT ALL. Alright shall post some pictures now..

A visit to Haw paw villa during some days ago with friends of course , was quite anticipating of how does it looks like at there. Entrance is freee and it was raining that day :(

and yes have to carry umbrella everywhere. -.-

Quite fit in huh. 

A selfie with a i dont know what that's . ///._.

a #jumpshot haha. 

So before going visiting , went for lunch at kin kee pan mian , not crowded but had a hard time finding the shop and somemore was raining , really cause much inconvience. But overall tasted quite okay , price okay. Will come back and try their $10 bowl .. haha.

20/12/14 - Wedding dinner

Attended at one of my relative wedding's. Quite unique as their style was western and every food was an alien for me...

they typed my name wrong :(


i only like the crab or lobster lol.

i dont know what is this/

they have free Polaroid service !!

ice-cream/sobert before main course. weird huh.

sister's beeeef.

Mine cod fish with mashed potato and cavier...

MAIN SPOTLIGHT. quite expensive i think ._.

Finally desssert ! quite cute though.

Uncle went to bought a log cake and a new watch for me & my sister... ahh so happy. lol

25/12/14- Christmas day - to malaysia.

Miracally no jam at all , firstly went for lunch as we were quite hungry , so went to the famous bak kut teh at sentosa there , tasted superb. Afterwhich headed to KSL then city square then home.

wanted to visit the 100 gadgets @ City square but didn;t have time and money T_T.

Neoprints with sis @ RM13. 

Alright that sum's up my week for christmas ! and merry christmas to everyone ! 


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