Saturday 20 December 2014

[Island Exploring] Boracay trip : Day 2&3

Day 2 - Water activities and beautiful beach.

Morning , rise and shine. Wake up early ( always excited for hotel breakfast :D) , bath and went down for breakfast and meh normal only loh just that they have PANCAKE , took very less as i couldnt eat much as later will be having water activities :(.

Afterwhich prepared everything and headed to beach !!!


Get dressed down and headed up to beach !

The view from our the hotel buffettt there.

*unglam caught 

Another one , oh me and my sis bought the waterproof bag so that to protect our bag but in the end i still didnt dare to bring it to underwater :(.


Selfie again with the beach *


First activity was fishing on board , yeah just a simple fishing rod they provided with small prawn as bait , but in the end me and my father did'nt caught anything but sis caught one starfish. lol.

Second activity was snorkling , my first time trying hehe , but kinda sucks as the googles and tube was provided by the boat people and it was quite dirty but nevertheless just try ahead. kinda fun and water is super salty , LOL pictures will be out soon when i got time developed my waterproof camera lol.

so headed for lunch at the another beach which i dont know where. Lunch was kinda sucks also.

yeah here is the beach where we had lunch.

Next up was kinda exciting hehe.. 
Third activity - Helmet diving. 
Yeah excited and nervous at the same time haha... 
When it was my turn , was so nervous. Okay so the helmet is about 90KG so thats why we are able to stay at underwater for a short time with oxygen tank provided lah. When going down , my ears hurt damn pain , have to yawn and yawn again and again. But okay lah overall , kinda new experience . hehe. 
yeah picture of me with the 90KG tank :D

So we waited for our speedy boat to send us back and waited and arrived ! went back to the beach and my mum's friend recommend this pizza company called 'yellow cab' . Not cheap also kinda same price as pizza hut. But just try only loh. okay lah overall. not say very good. Oh also bought starbucks at there , quite cheap have to say . around $5 SGD .. so headed back to our hotel swimming pool to try and swim , their concept was abit same as MBS but mini version lah lol.

The pizza , was kinda big but left few pieces for my supper !
After swimming , headed back to our room to rest and ready for dinner !

The  houses outside our room. 
So me and my sis was overslept haha , so we quickly rushed down to meet my mum and her colleagues.  

The sunset was nice and much earlier than singapore , around like 4-5pm?
so we walked to our dinner place , was seafood , their concept was they would help you to cook of things you have bought in their we market and they would cook in different style. like those zi char we had in our coffee shop there. Yeah overall was quite okay lah . After which headed for our last shopping day , bought lot;s of things and saw yellow submarine there ! but their's is super submarine lol.

and a video of a fireworks which they have displayed which i had no reason why :O.

and then headed back to hotel and rest and sweet dreams.

Day 3 - Bye bye ! 
Yeah wake up , packed up things and headed for breakfast and kinda rain heavily in the morning. so checkout hotel and ready to leave boracay and the same process we had on first day , 3pm flight and reach singapore at 7pm. 

So that's all for my trip to boracay , overall was quite fun and was my first time going to beach places like this and hopefully can go back again with my friend and try out their other sports activities and thanks for reading this travelouge !  (:

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