Thursday 22 January 2015

東京 | Day 1

Was really excited about this trip alot more than any other trip ! Yeah been working alot just to save enough money to go there. And finally my dream country has come true T_T.... Yeah so let's startttt, so me and my friends were just randomly discussing of going to japan but in the end , when it comes to natas fair , we thought it would be cheaper , so yeah we book through some agency and travel by cathay. Yeah first time taking that plane and heard that it is the world's first airline !! (:. So we book around 6 months before , yeah that's super early. and till 12 Jan. THE DAY HAS FINALLY ARRIVED. Packed everything up and have a farewell dinner at my grandma's place and they bought me crab >.<... after which dad fetch me to airport and say goodbye. So next went to find my friends and gather. Afterwhich went to check-in and went to take some pictures.

So we need to go hongkong to transit for our flight , yeah 4 hrs OF TRANSIT.

Getting ready and board the plane and did'nt know that Cathay pacific has games and tv to watch .. lol 

it was a midnight flight , so just supper only which consist of sandwich , kitkat and orange juice.

Reachhh hongkong and got nothing to do and nothing to eat as i did'nt change for hongkong currency. Yeah waited at the boarding area quite long...

and yeah gotta meet bruce lee ... lol

AND ITS TIME TO BOARD THE PLANEEEE. Oh we reach hongkong at about 5am and took the flight to japan at 9am T_T....

Meals onboard , so it was lunch timee and got some chicken rice but no hagen daz :(. 
So after 6hrs long of flight , sleep and sleep and butt ache. FINALLY REACH JAPAN TOKYO.

The moment we got landed , faster search for free wifi and updates for our 'o' level results , oh we went there during our release of o level results.. yeah sad much but my results did't really make me affected during the trip but only back to singapore :'(

First buy in tokyo !

so we plan to take their limo bus which could bring us near our hotel , so we bought the ticket at Y3100 ( around SGD$30+). Yeah sleep all the way as we had a long time on the plane. 

And so we finally reach our destination and had a hard time to find our shuttle bus to our hotel. and so we finally found it , AND THE WEATHER IS FUCKING COLD. First time in my life experience such a cold weather T_T.... and had to drag our luggage along.

Reached our hotel , look pretty good and went to settle some stuff and finally checked-in and everyone was desperate for wifi so to look for their results. So when i log in from their wifi  , and hula notification from family , O LEVEL RESULTS. yeah did badly though, Got 2 fail :(. ENGLISH AND SCIENCE. Nah that won't affect me much , so everyone was checking their results too. So we thought to have fun right? not to feel affected... So we went down to take the shuttle bus and went back to shinagawa Station. Oh the hotel was stayed was Toyoko Inn Tokyo Shinagawa-eki Konan-guchi Tennozu. a pretty awesome budget hotel ! I have even put a review of the hotel. ( CLICK )

and of course the first meal we had is RAMEN , look at those EGGS , looking so sexy. and forgot to take the gyoza , it was damn nice.

and yeah after which went back to nearby the staion to some streets and walk around. and i was thinking am i dreaming? I AM IN JAPAN. oh god... afterwhich went back to our hotel and rest and getting ready for next day! Sweet dreams.

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