Saturday 16 January 2016

hello bkk day 4,5&6

Day 4 

So check out our hotel and move to another hotel as my family wanted to try different hotel. So my book initially booked Amari Watergate but there was something crop up so we had to change to Sukoshol Hotel.

big christmas tree @ the hotel

A welcome drink when we check-in

cute elephant towel haha

this was the room , erm it was quite old and don't really like it.

a plate of fruits to welcome us lol. So we headed right out to platinum mall cause we don't want to waste any more time. Didn't bought much cause there isn't anything. So took a taxi back to hotel as we were quite tired.

The VIP lounge with free flow of alcohol , food and other drinks and also a nice view of the city 

 Excited for this meal as my family wanted to try the chinese restaraunt at the hotel and is pretty pricy.

idk what fish , fried tofu and PEKING DUCK ( highlight of the meal)

salad prawn , crispy duck skin and duck meat :D

didn't have anything to do at night , so my parents wanted to visit the night life area. Well there is basically nothing except for pole dancers and pub. So went to walk around and headed back to massage and ready for the last day of 2015.

pretty cool rental system...

 Day 5  


breakfast for the day! So our first destination was to head back to platinum mall as i needed to buy some more things.

swensen ice-cream for lunch and the ice-cream cost about less than 60 bahts , SO CHEAP. Next headed to Big c supermarket to buy some things , initally my parents only wanted to buy few stuff but in the end , one huge box to be check-in. lol. and also wanted to buy the apple cider cause is damn fucking cheap , but they could only start selling at 5pm under the law but it was only 3pm :(. sad vernon is sad.

so we headed back to hotel and rest. Was the first one to enter the VIP lounge area and this time round with more food & free flow of tea!!
so at night time , my sister insist of going to ratchada night market? Quite a nice place to visit but it pretty far from our area. 

was like almost 9.30pm in bkk time ( which means 10.30pm in singapore ) and was rushing as i wanted to countdown at the hotel with my friends. haha

so guess where we headed for our last dinner at bkk? Somboon seafood , heard that there is also fake restaraunt around but of course we went to the original.

the main dish or main reason is of the curry crab , it was like omg , so yumz but sadly they didn't have mantou :(  and there is also other dishes which is nice like the fish ( so tender ).

and so headed back to hotel and countdown for 2016 and the fireworks was like everywhere left right and centre and of course i managed to see the fireworks :D * have no idea why the video can't be played :(


Day 6 ( Last day  )

last breakfast of the trip :( 

and thats... all

dinner onboard , bun and cake was nice haha.

And that's all for my trip for bangkok , it's been a wonderful trip spend with my family and the first countdown i ever spend at other country. Hopefully more trips would be coming in 2016. Thank you all for reading this travelogue!

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