Sunday 10 January 2016

hello bkk day 3

Day 3 - Last day before switching to other hotel ;( , sad to leave from the hotel cause their service is damn good and their awesome breakfast :(. Alright let's start , so their hotel do provide a tuk tuk service to mbk , central world area. which means area near the hotel.

so we just hop on and went for our first destination - Erawan shrine.

it was quite crowded when we visit.

so next headed to another shopping mall and visit to another shrine to pray.

lunch was mk restaraunt at central world, was quite anticipating for this meal cause the last time was 3 years back , didn't managed to try Singapore outlet cause its not really worth.(cause bkk is much cheaper )... lol.  

ordered two plates of their duck , cause its damn good and shiok.

the spoon do look cute haha.

how can we miss this when visiting bkk ?! yeah the queue is pretty long like about 20-30 minutes?

quite interesting huh.
so went to shop around and come back for our fooddd.

the lava cake with ice-cream

Shibuya toast
^%$%$% , its damn fking nice and tasty , its a must to visit whenever u visit bkk.

so we were pretty full and decided to head to another mall.

there were so many cartoon display outside the shopping mall that my sis insist to take on every.

so pinky

it was quite interesting and funny that they let people play with the fries. haha

after that headed to mbk and siam paragon , nothing much cause the shops there are those luxury brand. Had dinner after we have our body massage , it was killing me. my bones almost scattered after the message and that's all for day 3. 

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