Sunday 3 January 2016

hello bkk day 1

Yo! Just came back from my bangkok trip and it was awesome as always. Bought quite a number of clothes and foods. Had a great time at there eating their street food and the hotel stays. So let the adventure roll....

8am flight , so had to check-in quite early and goodbye to my sleep... Took thai airway this time with my family. woohoo.

meals onboard. Yumz

finally reaching soon!!

welcome to the land of smiles/+66. So went to buy our sim card @ 299 bahts with free unlimited 3G .. hurray 

reach our hotel , is called VIE hotel.  Hotel is really damn good as their staff is damn friendly and we stayed at the suite. really really big and nice.

next headed for our first destination - Chatuchak weekend market as we arrive during sunday and the market only opens on weekend only.

the hotel from the BTS station , yes the hotel is quite near the BTS station

the bom , there are several stalls out there selling the same coconut ice-cream. But was really unsure which one is the exact one as i see that this stall does not have any queue so ya i guess i eat the wrong stall.. haha. Nevertheless it tasted quite alright and the stall would give you a free cup of coconut juice to quench your thirst in such a hot weather.

headed back to hotel and rest as it was really tired and did not have any sleep during that day. Bought a few things only as nothing caught my eye and the pretty view from my room.

headed out again to artbox. the place was quite complicated to go even the taxi driver have a hard time locating the place and we went to wrong place. As when the driver drove past a something like artbox place , we immediately ask him to stop and alight us at the place but we went to wrong place as we ask the people at there.

but is okay , still manage to took some pictures at there. lol
So we went to took another cab and luckily we reach the correct place - artbox. It was their last day having this event and we were pretty lucky to catch this.

so we decided to have some snacks for our dinner . There is quite a number of stall selling really awesome food and the things there is quite expensive. So we had baked scallops ( 8 for 169 Bahts) ,fried chicken (3 for 50 Bahts ) , cheese fries with bacon bits ( 100 Bahts ) and other food which i didn't take cause was really hungry haha. 

it is a really good place for people who like to chill or eat (like me ). But not sure when is their next date and place gonna be. After this , headed for message!!! just opposite from our hotel place and we had message for 4 days straight at the same place!

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