Sunday 13 December 2015


So day 2 and day 3 are a short day , as day 2 are mostly on shopping and day 3 is going back to Singapore , so  will combine both day together.

Day 2  ( Shopping Day )

Good morning , yes every time i travel , i would always anticipate for the hotel breakfast!! But couldn't sleep well as i have a bad headache from the flight :( and yeah the view from my balcony.

hello from the other side ! lol. I have no idea why is there a staircase in every room. 

so beautiful *O*

tadaa!! breakfast of the day!! such as sumptuous breakfast EVER.

and my all-time favorite pancakes even though is mini but i still love it no matter what <3.

and out for our journey to the shopping mall!! SHOPPING TIME! 
well the journey took about 1.5 hr to reach. Pretty long huh.

reached and begin for our shopping !! AND THE STAR WARS AIRSHIP look so fucking cool. but well what hurts me is that they have a weight limit of .....80kg....... *cries*

lunch @ Madam Kwan , head from our  tour guide that this restaurant is quite famous for their nasi lamak , indeed ya and we have to wait the seats.
tadaa!! looks delicious , yeah tasted good and the portion is quite big especially the chicken meat.

 dishes that me and my dad had ! Yea we shared the kangkong cause i wanted but was struggling to finish as my father did not eat much :( . 

The haagen daz at the supermarket is madly cheap!! 2 for RM50 which is $20+ in singapore!!! omg wish could bring it back :(.

and chocolates ice-creams!!  madly insane :O

Sticky store @ KL !! not sure it will be cheaper than here?

and its time for us to go back and reach back our resort and ready for some beach dinner!! 
The total haul we have from the shopping , including my mum and my sis.

the sunset from the dinner area!! so cool

last buffet dinner we have for the trip :( (
Took quite a number of crayfish hehe.

Day 3 ( KL to Singapore )

last breakfast *cries*

checking out and going for lunch :(

cute ice-cream at the resort ( not free obviously )

(Buddha jump over the wall )

(so big and nice , yumz )

lunch was really good and kinda premium cause there is ABALONE AND SHARKS FIN!

(cold dish)


there is quite a lot of dishes but we all full already even though its on the fourth dish :O
After lunch , headed to the airport and bye bye KL

and back to Singapore , home sweet home. Thanks for reading this short travelogue! (:
and excited for Bangkok trip at the end of the year!! :D

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