Thursday 9 April 2015

東京 | Day 4.

Aloha~ Alright time for me to update my trip about day 4 in tokyo.

Day 4 - Ikebukuro & Shinjuku ( Cat cafe & Pokemon centre )

As usual , had our breakfast and headed out to take the shuttle bus to shinagawa station. So today's itenery is going to pokemon centre. So we need to stop at Ikebukuro and we literally got lost when we reached.

so we had to ask the information counter for information and finally we got our directions and walked there. And yeah was raining on that day and so i went to bought a transparent umbrella for 300YEN , yeah you would see everyone using the same umbrella while walking but only in japan lah.

and so i didnt that loccaitane had a cafe there cause i thought they only sell beauty products :O

on our way to the centre , we saw the tokyu hands shopping mall and yeah we inside and see and saw there is a cat cafe at the pet level , so we went on to see.

and yeah it only cost us 600YEN for the ticket to go in , so yeah we agreed to go in and i was so happy as i love cats alot. so excited though as this is my first time going inside a cat cafe. but well the cats are so unfriendly :( , once i touch them , they would bend down their body .. which literally means being rejected :( lol...  
*Caution*  spamming pictures of catssss

and yeah i love this cat alot but he/she wont wake up :( whyyy

this cat looks quite big though

its feeding time !! yeah and also thats the only time they come to you or else they dont :( and intially we wanted to go off already cause we have enough already but the staff told us that at 1pm they would start the feeding cat session , so we left about 10 mins till 1pm , so yeah we just waited.

and after which headed to pokemon centre , and yeah friends were excited too.

im sorry but i really dont have childhood cause i dont watch pokemon and barely know any character T_T and bought more things than my friends haha. idk really...

so we were really hungry by the time we shop finished. so headed to downstairs to see what to eat and found coco ichibanya and wanted to try also. Quite cheap though , so i ordered the potato croquette with my favorite fried chicken . Yeah :D

so yeah after lunch went around shopping again and headed out to ikebukuro to shop around and was raining + windy = super cold. yeah so we quickly went out.

and yeah pictures from my phone and selfie with cats :D too cute their expression !!

omg even though they are sleeping , they still look cute :D

pardon for my madness on cats haha. So after shopping around ikebukuro , we headed to shinjuku to shop around. It is only 6pm at there but the sky color looks like 8pm in singapore. so nothing much to shop there as the weather was really cold and we couldn't walk much so we went to agnes b and see and manged to buy a bag for my mother and the agnes b there is much cheaper than singapore and i regret that i didnt buy the agnes b signature tee :(. is $50 cheaper than singapore... whyyy 

and yeah we were really lazy to find dinner for ourself , so went to some random restaurant and managed to taste the authentic taste of katsudon . quite cheap also and was really funny cause my friends was finding some food to warm them but instead they ordered the soba which was cold and the regret of course haha. So after our meals , headed back to hotel to rest and went to 7-eleven as usual to grab our supper :D
in case you dont know what their 7-eleven do sell.. 

Lastly with a picture of tub of hagen daz with special flavor !! and it cost only 400YEN ( $4+) omg so cheap !!!

and that's all for my day 4 ! 


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