Saturday 22 November 2014

Graduation Night 2014.

hula! I'm back... Just finished o levels and was stressful enough. Also ended graduation night last friday :( , now desperately finding jobs so that can earn money for my japan trip :(. well finally got graduated and off from my secondary schools. Well it kinda miss all those memories spend in my secondary school as most of the fun came from there , well guess i would have to adapt with my future environment. Oh and yea , went to change my hair color , well it wasn't the desired color i wanted :(. Will be working soon and won't be that frequent to update blog :(.

Graduation Night 2014.
was held in school yet again , sian so envy those schools celebrate in hotels.

and coming up next is class chalet , couldn't wait for it :D. The last gathering we might have as together. :(

Countdown for Christmas: 33 days.
Countdown for Tokyo trip : 51 days.


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