Thursday 18 September 2014

Meleka trip 13/09-14/09 and updates.

I'm back from ma prelims. yes it was so tired spending days to study but i guess this is the only i day i am free to blog :( yeah cause just ended chinese papers which i will be retaking again :( siann. oh and anyway just bought airtickets to tokyo for this coming janaury and yeah going off with my friends :D , first time ever. okay cut that bullshits. anyway do you guys know about the IOS 8 release ? IT IS SO FREAKING NICE AND okay lah but some looks normal loh . well for me , i waited like yesterday night just for the IOS 8 @ around 12.57am hahah , slept at 1.40 just to wait for it to download but well have to reset my whole phone cause not enough space :( #whyyouliddatIOS8 haiz deleted my whole whatsapp message and photos :(.

Oh anyway went to meleka for a short vaction during the weekends of the september holidays and well guess bad luck happens to me :(.

Cheap food da best ! Dinner @ jonker street there 

St paul's church

the famous red building

@ bukit chanda 

so nice..

with my cousins and sister , indeed a fun trip :D


So day 1 was just going around meleka and the iconic tourist attraction and shopping @ jonker street at night and there is too much of cheap food there but sadly my stomach says no :(.

day 2 was just shopping and eating and bowling and suey suey was car break down in the middle of custom. haiz took bus and walk back. 
so overall the trip was fun with my cousins :D. shall spend my time now studying for o levels. will be back after 'o' levels.
countdown till my birthday : 7 more days.

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