Thursday 26 June 2014

Genting x kl trip '14

yeah been to genting again for this year june's holiday but at least went to KL to visit .. hehe.

alright lets start , headed to golden mile around 8pm ? cause we needed to board the bus @ 9.45 , so had dinner before that. #selfie with my sis before say goodbye to +65.

Custom-yongpeng-toilet break-reach.
wasn't really sleeping that much in the bus but was really tired when reach there , reach there around 5am ( this is how tired when u are taking night coach X_X ) alright the bus stop us at the mushroom farm bus terminal there and took a shuttle bus up to first world terminal . reach and first thing was check-in hotel and run to starbucks for wifi and drinks AND THE STAFF WERE REALLY FRIENDLY.

Selfie again , hehe. Went to hotel and have a nap till like 10am ? went down and headed to have brunch cause i was really hungry when reaching here. after which was our afternoon free time.
went to play bowling with sis and .....

at first the security didn't allow me go in so i guess next time when i am 21 y/o then go in ... sigh sigh.

bowling score ! and... i win :D

headed back to hotel to rest , oh btw we have transfer our hotel to resort world ! much better than first world ! after then headed down for our dinner ! my family favorite restaurant ! is located right at the top floor of genting highland there near the show area there ! 

selfie again with my mum .. hehe.
After dinner , time for some entertainment , followed my grandparents to the casion at genting highland , so was praying hard that i wouldnt get caught :X .. but luckily i managed to went in .. #phew 
when i went in , my eyes was really shock and this is how casino looks like ?!?! went to play jackpot only , guess i am not yet to tables .. hehe. played until around 12am , headed out to buy KFC ( usual rountine whenever i come to genting ) and bought their cheesy wedges , a must to buy when i go there ! headed back to hotel just to search for wifi , but i guess it breakdown again :( and coffee bean was closed by the time we were there , so i guess this is fate :( headed back to hotel to enjoy and ready for next day :P

 day 3- KL trip.

Shine and bright morning , bath done and went down around 15 mins earlier before our meeting time , so went to coffee bean for free wifi .. :P , you know person like me so addicted with technology can't live w/o WIFI. 

So purchase a cake and a cup of coffee so that the person won't chase me out :P
the red velvet cake tasted quite nice and the coffee also okay lah. done with breakfast and headed for our 

and asleep for the journey for around 1hr+ , and reach ! went around shopping and had lunch at a restaurant.

the suckling pig tasted the best O_O and other dishes also lah . but the price quite erm... shall not say. hehe
after lunch , went shopping again and went into a high class shopping mall called : the pavillion mall .
and saw topman shop , so QUICKLY RAN FOR IT ! was checking out if the price is cheaper and it is !!! 
managed to bought 2 pieces @ RM 79 , AROUND $35 which means S$15-17 PER PIECE !

was really happy that i manged to purchase *_* , next was taking the train to their chinatown.

and their card token is so cool ! wasn't really squeeze like how our's is :D

reached our destination and was searching for place to rest , so we went in a hotel and rest and selfie again with my sis :P 
so continued our journey towards petaling street and there were lot's o fake goods sold at there like celine , prada , gucci , LV , kate spade , pandora , new balance and more . so i manged purchase some things there , so we ended our journey there , purchased some of the foods there and went back to genting ! 

Went back to hotel and rest and ready out for dinner ! Dinner @ first world hotel buffet as my father had free meal voucher to redeem , so i went with my sis only. the food there tasted not really nice and the queue was long :( . didn't really like there but prefer coffee terrace instead. so is our last night , went for 2 rounds of bowling again and shop and then karaoke which was really costly , 2 pax for about RM 88 O_O.
sing until no mood and stayed till 11.45pm , so wanted to take some pictures before leaving this place T_T

really like this photo alot , free lighting from the shop and manged to capture it on time ! :D
so bought mcdonald and went back hotel to enjoy the last night :P.

Day 4 - Farewell.

left a note with some tips there as to make someone happy ! (: 
so bath and headed out for breakfast with family.

we never failed to come to this restaraunt called : good friends restarunt ! it is quite cheap also , cheaper than Sg. so then headed back to hotel and pack our things and check out T_T. went to buy some famous amos and headed to starbucks to chill and update my social network and headed to took the shuttle bus to the terminal again and check in our bus and hop in and #byegenting , see u in 2016 when the 20th fox century theme park is OPEN !! and that's all for my trip to genting and i missed school for 2 days :P


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