Monday 12 May 2014

Nothing can compare the love of a mother.

a day to remember , a day to celebrate. and yes mother's day.  the day where all mother's should rest and celebrate.

ok edit until quite stupid , yeah that's me . haha.

Really love this picture :D

To mum , thank you for taking care of me for these 16.5 years and even though i have this skin problem , my mum still spend lot's of money to cure this stupid illness and always buying things for me. Although you always scold me and motivate to on diet , i will the do the really best for you. hope you have a happy mother's day. I LOVE YOU. :D okay type until crying soon. T_T....

oh and anyway went to have family lunch with my relatives @ tim ho wan toa payoh , cause of the number of peoples of my relatives , we had to open the VIP room which looks really cool. haha. really love the char siew bun and the malay cake or something . so nice but the bill not very nice lah . haha. didnt really went to have mother's day dinner or what just went to my grandmother's house and eat.  

and anyway HAPPY BIRTHDAY HUIMIN ! which her birthday fall on the last day of april :D 
Anyway happy advanced Vesak day ! :D


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